Re-seeding, also known as overseeding, is an old practice that seems to be a bit of a trade secret. The truth is, this is probably the singular most important action you can take to improve the health and appearance of your lawn. For a lush, thick, weed-free lawn, homeowners with warm-season grasses in Bridgeport will want to re-seed in the spring. By following a few basic steps, you can ensure a gorgeous, healthy lawn each year.
Know Your Seed Type
First and foremost, you must know what type of grass you have in your yard. In Connecticut, you most likely want cool-season grass type. For these grasses, you will want to hold off on re-seeding until the very end of summer or the beginning of fall. It is imperative that you know what variety of grass your yard is so that you can try to match it as exactly as possible. Mismatched varieties will have different fertilization needs, growth rates, and textures that will not perform well together.
Apply the Right Amount
How much seed you need to apply to your lawn will depend on how you want it to perform. If your turf is already thick you will only need 2-4 pounds of seed per 1,000 square feet. However, if you have bare and trouble areas you will need to double that amount to achieve the flushed-out, dense cover you desire. For a complete renovation, it is recommended that you sow between 8 and 12 pounds of seed per 1,000 square feet.
It might be tempting to just go whole hog, seeding heavily in hopes of getting dramatic results quickly, but don’t do it! A thick, lustrous lawn does not grow overnight. It takes time for the plants to grow in, and overdoing it can result in overcrowding can actually backfire, making for a weaker turf. It may take a couple of years of very careful re-seeding to get your lawn as thick and green as you desire.
Tuck those Babies In
When you are re-seeding a relatively healthy lawn, you can expect the existing grass to provide cover and shade for your seeds. Not so, however, if you are dealing with poor lawns that have bare spots and exposed dirt. You will want seed on bare soil to be covered in some way to help maintain shade and moisture to ensure germination.
If you plan to use compost to help give your seeds an early advantage, spread it before you apply seed and gently rake after application. You may also want to mow and leave your clippings before seeding to give a little boost.
Keep Seeds Moist
Once your lawn has been re-seeded, your attention needs to be focused on keeping those seeds moist and in contact with the soil for good germination. During the germination period, you will want to maintain moist (but not wet) soil by lightly watering at least once a day. Springtime in Bridgeport usually comes with ample rainfall, so if you can plan your re-seeding around some April showers, then all the better.
The two things that can ruin your chances of a successful re-seeding are excessive moisture that results in root rot or very hot conditions that kill the tender sprouts before they are established. Once your seedlings have taken root, keep an eye on them and do not mow at all until the new grasses have reached at least two inches, which should take between two and three weeks.
While it may sound like a lot of work, professional turf managers and homeowners alike are willing to do it because re-seeding really works! Whether you just want a fuller lawn or your bedraggled lawn needs a do-over, these tips can help you achieve the picture-perfect lawn you dream of.
Need help re-seeding your lawn? Visit our Bridgeport lawn care page for more info!
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