Summer in Colorado Springs is ideal for outdoor adventures for families, friends and hiking enthusiasts. But as you enjoy the summer, it’s important to care for your lawn because temperatures in Colorado Springs are hot.
Here are four tips for proper summer lawn care so your yard stays healthy and does not dry out.
1. Water Your Lawn More
In the early summer, around early to mid June, you should start watering more to encourage stronger root growth. As you apply water for longer — albeit less frequent — periods, you will encourage roots to grow deeper to give your lawn a stronger foundation to fight off diseases and pests throughout the summer.
Deep root zones also help fight drought and other environmental stressors your grass may encounter this summer.
But be careful not to water too much or else your grass will drown and die. To check if your lawn has enough water, you can use a soil moisture sensor, or take a screwdriver and press against the dirt: If the screwdriver pushes down easily, then your lawn has enough water.
See Related:
— How to Water Your Lawn in Colorado
— 6 Signs Your Lawn Needs Water
— How to Test Soil Moisture
2. Mow Only One-Third of Your Grass at a Time
Remember the one-third rule when mowing, meaning that you should never remove more than a third of the height of the grass blade.
What this means: If your type of grass should be 2 inches, then wait until it reaches 3 inches to mow so you’re only removing the top inch.
See Related:
— Best Grass Seed for Colorado Lawns
3. Don’t Over-Fertilize Your Lawn
If you apply too much fertilizer during the hot summer months, you run the risk of burning the grass.
Check to see if your grass even needs fertilizer by doing a soil test. If it doesn’t, skip that step of your lawn care routine so that you don’t cause even more stress to the lawn.
See Related:
— When to Fertilize Your Colorado Lawn
— How to Fertilize Your Lawn
4. Prevent Lawn Pests
Photo Credit: Shutterstock
Summertime is a time when certain pests appear, such as mole crickets. Keep an eye on your grass for symptoms of brown patch disease or grubs.
If you do notice something eating or discoloring your lawn, contact your local LawnStarter lawn care pro or head to your local garden supply store for some pesticide to help solve the problem early.
Read Next:
— Fall Lawn Care Tips for Colorado Springs
— 5 Native Plants That Thrive in Colorado Springs
Need help preparing your lawn? Visit our Colorado Springs lawn care page to get in touch with a professional! In addition to Colorado Springs, we provide lawn care services to other Colorado cities, including Denver.
Main Image Credit: CaroleHenson / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0