Opening the Door to Jacksonville's Homes

Our infographic helps break down and explore the different aspects of Jacksonville's housing scene.

Opening the Door to Jacksonville's Home - LawnStarter

It’s no secret why vacationers are drawn to the Jacksonville, FL, area. Beaches. Swimming. Surfing. Golf. More than 220 days of sunshine each year.

The Jacksonville area isn’t just a tourist destination, though. It’s also home to roughly 1.35 million residents.

“Northeast Florida is a great place to live,” the JAXUSA Partnership says, “with a spectacular climate, sports and recreation, entertainment and rich arts, affordable housing and a variety of shopping destinations.”

In this infographic, LawnStarter explores the housing scene -- from the median home value to the number of homes with central air -- for those who are fortunate enough to enjoy Jacksonville’s “spectacular climate” every day of the year.

If you're a Jacksonville area homeowner looking for top-notch lawn care service, check out our Jacksonville lawn care page and find out just how easy it is to schedule service. Live in another area of Florida? We also operate in Orlando and Tampa!

Opening the Door to Jacksonville's Homes - Infographic

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