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Arlington, TX - Mar 27, 2025
Local Lawn Care Facts & Resources
Lawn tip of the week
Spring is now and it's really heating up in Texas!
Popular Grass Types in Arlington
Bermudagrass | 72% |
Centipedegrass | 9% |
Tall Fescue | 6% |
Buffalograss | 6% |
Perennial Ryegrass | 4% |
Zoysiagrass | 2% |
Kentucky Bluegrass | 1% |
Grass Cutting Height Preferences
Long (6-7 inches) | 3% |
Medium (4-5 inches) | 29% |
Short (2-3 inches) | 67% |
Lawn Care Facts
Average Yard Size | 7,580 sq ft |
Average Mowing Price | $48.61 |
Average Customer Review | 4.64 / 5.0 |
Weekly Cuts | 5.0% |
Biweekly Cuts | 94.0% |
Monthly Cuts | 1.0% |
Lawns Fertilized | 7.0% |
Lawns with Leaf Removal | 9.0% |
Aerated Lawns | 10.0% |
Yards with Cleanups | 13.0% |
Days That Are Sunny | 61% |
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Easy, Affordable Lawn Care Services in Arlington
Arlington's hot, humid summers and mild winters can make growing and maintaining a lawn difficult. If you need tips, tricks, or someone to take over the lawn care, LawnStarter has all you need.
Common Grass Types in Arlington: The most common types of grass in Arlington are Bermudagrass, centipedegrass, tall fescue, buffalograss, and perennial ryegrass.
Fall Lawn Care Tips for Arlington: Continue to mow your grass as long as it's still growing, but be sure to never cut more than one-third of the grass's height at a time. Keep watering up to twice a week until the first freeze. Fall is a good time to aerate and fertilize to allow the roots to soak up nutrients that will sustain the grass through the winter. You can also apply an herbicide to combat the weeds and make sure none pop up in the spring.
Common Lawn Pests: Ticks, fire ants, chinch bugs, and sod webworms are annoying to people and can be damaging to grass.
Common Lawn Diseases: Large patch, algal scrum, anthracnose, brown patch, dollar spot, fairy rings, downy mildew, and bipolaris are common diseases or fungi that plague Arlington lawns. If areas of your lawn are discolored, you may be dealing with one of these. Let LawnStarter help. We'll diagnose the problem and create a treatment plan.
How LawnStarter Can Take Care of Your Lawn: LawnStarter offers a wide range of services, including cleanups, fertilization, landscaping, lawn maintenance, planting, and bush trimming. All you have to do is call, click, or use our app, and we’ll send you a custom quote.
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Service Recommendations in Arlington
LawnStarter pros will let you know what your lawn needs. Here are some recent recommendations for lawn care services in Arlington, TX.
Pro Recommendation for Yard Cleaning
Pro Recommendation for General Landscape Improvements
Pro Recommendation for Flower Bed Weeding
Pro Recommendation for Gutter Cleaning
Pro Recommendation for General Landscape Improvements
Pro Recommendation for Yard And Flowerbed Cleanup
Top Arlington, TX Lawn Services of March 2025