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Happy customers all over Virginia Beach

Virginia Beach Lawn Care Facts & Resources
If you have any bare patches, it's a great time to seed them! Aeration and overseeding can be performed, although these are better done during fall.
Local lawn care resources
Native Plants to Virginia Beach
Virginia bluebells


Dwarf crested iris

Solomon's Seal

Wax mrytle
Lawn Care Facts
Average Yard Size | 7,314 sq ft |
Average Mowing Price | $53.32 |
Average Customer Review | 4.87 / 5.0 |
Weekly Cuts | 9.0% |
Biweekly Cuts | 70.0% |
Monthly Cuts | 21.0% |
Lawns Fertilized | 15.0% |
Lawns with Leaf Removal | 11.0% |
Aerated Lawns | 9.0% |
Yards with Cleanups | 17.0% |
Days That Are Sunny | 60% |
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Easy, Affordable Lawn Care Services in Virginia Beach
The sand-like quality of the soil in Virginia Beach makes it difficult to grow grass there, LawnStarter has a solution. Our reasonably priced lawn services make it easy for you to turn your yard into a picture-perfect lawn.
Common Lawn Pests: Lawn pests not only infest your yard, but they can also be a real pain for people. Chiggers, fire ants, fleas, biting flies, mosquitoes, and ticks are common lawn pests here, and their bites are very irritating. LawnStarter's pros will clear your yard of the infestations so you can enjoy being outside without being eaten alive.
Common Lawn Diseases: Don't let your lawn fall victim to brown patch and dollar spot. If you notice brown or yellowing spots of grass on your lawn, it's best to take care of it right away before it spreads.
Best Grass Types for Virginia Beach: Because Virginia Beach is in a transition zone, both cool and warm-season grasses can be grown here. Bermudagrass, St. Augustine grass, tall fescue, Zoysiagrass, bahiagrass, fine fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, and perennial ryegrass are all good options, depending on if you want your lawn to be green all summer or throughout the winter.
How Often Should You Mow Your Lawn? During the peak growing season, your lawn will need a weekly mow, but when it goes dormant, the frequency will reduce considerably.
Your search for qualified and reasonably priced lawn care professionals is over. In Virginia Beach, LawnStarter provides great lawn care services. All of your lawn care needs can be covered by our experts.
Call right away for a custom quote and we can send a pro your way in just a few days.
Virginia Beach, VA Top 3 Lawn Care Pros

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Service Recommendations in Virginia Beach
LawnStarter pros will let you know what your lawn needs. Here are some recent recommendations for lawn care services in Virginia Beach, VA.
Top Virginia Beach, VA Lawn Services of March 2025