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Happy customers all over Aiken

Aiken, SC - Mar 29, 2025
Local Lawn Care Facts & Resources
Lawn tip of the week
Did you know? There are approximately 50 million acres of grass in the United States. Approximately 21 million of those acres are in our front and back yards.
Popular Grass Types in Aiken
Bermudagrass | 50% |
Tall Fescue | 24% |
Centipedegrass | 10% |
Perennial Ryegrass | 5% |
Kentucky Bluegrass | 5% |
Zoysiagrass | 4% |
Buffalograss | 1% |
Grass Cutting Height Preferences
Long (6-7 inches) | 3% |
Medium (4-5 inches) | 25% |
Short (2-3 inches) | 72% |
Lawn Care Facts
Average Customer Review | 4.6 / 5.0 |
Weekly Cuts | 28% |
Biweekly Cuts | 40% |
Monthly Cuts | 32% |
Lawns Fertilized | 13% |
Lawns with Leaf Removal | 10% |
Aerated Lawns | 12% |
Yards with Cleanups | 11% |
Days That Are Sunny | 65% |
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Easy, Affordable Lawn Care Services in Aiken
From Tuesdays in the Park to visiting the Center for African-American History, Art, and Culture, Aiken has something to do year-round.
Although the horses at Aiken Horse Park may fit seamlessly into the winter weather, your grass needs some TLC to recover. LawnStarter can mow, aerate, fertilize, and give your lawn the necessary treatments to help it remain healthy whether it is summer, winter, or the wet and cloudy seasons in between.
Here's what lawn care looks like in Aiken:
Best Grass Types for Aiken
Home lawns in Aiken perform best with warm-season grass types. The best varieties include:
- Bermudagrass: An aggressive growing variety with high drought tolerance, it is an optimal grass seed for the occasional Aiken County drought.
- Centipedegrass: Although this turf type is low maintenance, it has a caveat. It needs routine care to manage its vulnerability to pests and diseases.
- Zoysiagrass: This variety is a favorite for the City of Trees because it is drought-tolerant, and its slow growth pattern means it is low-maintenance.
How Often Should You Mow Your Lawn? Our experts recommend mowing weekly in the late spring, summer, and late-late fall. Mow every five to seven days unless you have a faster-growing grass, like Bermuda, which may need mowing closer to every five days or less. In the winter when the grass is no longer in the active growing season, it may not require cutting. If it does, decrease mowing frequency.
Common Lawn Pests and Diseases in Aiken
Aiken’s elevated humidity contributes to the growth of fungi and diseases. Be on the lookout for these common pests and nuisances:
- Sod Webworms: Larval insects that feed on grass blades, they cause thinning and browning.
- Sucking Insects: Pests like chinch bugs damage grass blades by sucking on them, causing them to yellow.
- Gray Leaf Spot: A fungus that damages lawns, it causes small, dark spots on grass blades.
Other Outdoor Services We Offer
LawnStarter mows, aerates, and trims to keep your yard pristine. But our experts also provide other services that make your landscape attractive.
- Gazebo and Pergola Construction: Professionals build covered gazebos and pergolas so you can enjoy the outdoors, even in the rain.
- Outdoor Lighting: Add lighting for safety, security, and functionality. When it’s dark, keep the entertainment going with decorative illumination.
- Walkways: Paved or stone walkways are practical and add curb appeal.
If you want to hang out with the equestrian community or venture into the St. Thaddeus Church graveyard for a ghost tour, LawnStarter has you covered.
Reach out to us for your free customized quotes. Our experts are always ready to mow, trim, fertilize, and more to give you an award-winning lawn while you sit back, relax, and enjoy your city.
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Service Recommendations in Aiken
LawnStarter pros will let you know what your lawn needs. Here are some recent recommendations for lawn care services in Aiken, SC.