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Why LawnStarter?

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Online Account Management
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All Services Covered
Lawn mowing, fertilization, bush trimming, weeding and more. We can do it all.
Fully Insured Professionals
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Lawn mowing, trimming, and edging. LawnStarter can do this Teh other guys can do this
Personalized service and quality results. LawnStarter can do this Teh other guys can do this
Offers fertilization, treatments, and cleanups. LawnStarter can do this The other guys can't do this
Mobile app for ordering and payments. LawnStarter can do this The other guys can't do this
Reliable scheduled service. LawnStarter can do this The other guys can't do this
Customer support - phone, app, chat. LawnStarter can do this The other guys can't do this
Change pros with the click of a button. LawnStarter can do this The other guys can't do this

Pueblo, CO - Sep 8, 2024
Local Lawn Care Facts & Resources

Lawn tip of the week

Did you know? There are approximately 50 million acres of grass in the United States. Approximately 21 million of those acres are in our front and back yards.

Popular Grass Types in Pueblo

Kentucky Bluegrass 30%
Bermudagrass 19%
Buffalograss 16%
Centipedegrass 11%
Tall Fescue 10%
Zoysiagrass 8%
Perennial Ryegrass 7%

Grass Cutting Height Preferences

Long (6-7 inches) 4%
Medium (4-5 inches) 33%
Short (2-3 inches) 63%

Lawn Care Facts

Weekly Cuts 20%
Biweekly Cuts 50%
Monthly Cuts 30%
Lawns Fertilized 7%
Lawns with Leaf Removal 15%
Aerated Lawns 9%
Yards with Cleanups 14%
Days That Are Sunny 76%

Take your lawn on the go.

An app for lawn care, seriously? You betcha! Stay up‑to‑date on your lawn wherever you go.

LawnStarter's Mobile App

Budget-Friendly Lawn Care Services in Pueblo

Gardening and lawn work is meant to be peaceful, even meditative, right? That might be true if you’re pruning roses for a fresh floral arrangement, but the bulk of lawn care is demanding work. It can be even more so in Pueblo, which enjoys all four seasons but not a lot of rain, making it a bit tough for turfgrass and plants to stay green and healthy.

Instead of spending your weekends behind a lawn mower, retire it to the garage and hand the headache over to a professional who will mow, trim, and edge your lawn to perfection and help you manage grasses well-adjusted to Colorado’s temperature fluctuations. 

Here’s what lawn care in Pueblo looks like:

About Your Grass in Pueblo

While cool-season grasses are the OG for Rocky Mountain lawns, a few warm-season varieties grow well during dry spells. 

  • Kentucky Bluegrass: The star of the show, Kentucky Bluegrass develops a deep blue-green color, establishes quickly, and handles heavy foot traffic. This cool-season grass gets a bit thirsty in the summer but regular watering will keep it looking sharp.
  • Fescue Blends: Varieties of cool-season fine or tall fescue, like creeping red fescue, are adapted to the cold and develop a fine texture. They also tolerate shade and have good drought resistance. 
  • Bermudagrass: This warm-season grass is perfect for those open, sunny Pueblo lawns. It grows fast, has excellent drought and heat tolerance, and develops a thick turf. 
  • Buffalograss: Another warm-season grass well-adapted to arid conditions, it's heat-tolerant, develops deep roots, and needs less water to thrive.

How often should you mow? We recommend mowing your cool-season grasses every seven to 14 days during the fall and spring and reducing the frequency to mowing every two to three weeks in the fall and winter. For warm-season varieties, mow every five to seven days in the summer and slow down to bi-weekly as the cool months arrive. 

Full-Service Lawn Care

Unlock the full potential of your outdoor space with LawnStarter’s additional offerings like:

  • Seasonal cleanup: Clearing leaves, twigs and other debris not only makes your yard look neater, it allows your grass to get the air, sun, and water it needs.
  • Fertilizing: All living things need nourishment, and lawns are no exception.
  • Aeration: Soil gets compacted over time, and aeration loosens the ground to allow nutrients and water to get to the roots.
  • Xeriscaping: Transform your lawn into a water-conserving haven with Colorado natives that require less water to bring color and lushness to your Pueblo lawn. 

More free weekends and less lawn stress, that’s what LawnStarter brings you. Hand over the hard work today. Call, click, or download the LawnStarter app for your free quotes.

Meet some of our Pueblo pros

Jeffery Kasan Profile Photo
Jeffery Kasan
Hello, Thank you for letting me take care of your lawn. I am respectful, responsible, and reasonable. I pride myself on my quality work. When it comes to the costs of services, I like to ask the customer what they think is fair. I've never hidden or overcharged.
Mr. Mow it all
6806 Biscayne Drive
Pueblo, CO 81001
Tylor Lovell Profile Photo
Tylor Lovell
Lawnstarts was founded in 2024 with the mission to deliver exceptional lawn care services. Our passion for transforming outdoor spaces into beautiful, healthy environments drives us to provide personalized and reliable care. We believe a well-maintained lawn enhances the beauty and value of a home. Our dedication to customer satisfaction and quality service makes Lawnstarts the trusted choice for all your lawn care needs.
Tjs lawns
2114 Hooper Avenue
Pueblo, CO 81003
Jerry Herndon Profile Photo
Jerry Herndon
I strive for perfection and I always deliver promptly. I have never had a bad review ever and I've been a landscaper owner for about 10 years. I enjoy being outdoors. I promise you perfection and I will go over and beyond what is expected of me. I will never leave a customer unhappy.
Herndon llc
3333 North Elizabeth Street
Pueblo, CO 81008

Recent Reviews

We encourage feedback from all customers to ensure we are delivering the best service possible.

"Looks great!"
Meghan C. - Jul 26, 2024 - Pueblo, CO
Lawn Mowing Service by Max Campbell
M. Campbell's Lawns Treatment And Landscape
"Wonderful job!"
Kevin F. - Jul 07, 2024 - Pueblo, CO
"They did a great job. They were attentive and did everything I asked. Very nice guys"
Joe N. - Jan 08, 2024 - Pueblo, CO
"Great job! Thanks so much"
Martin R. - May 24, 2024 - Pueblo, CO
"It's lovely."
Yvette S. - Jul 02, 2024 - Pueblo, CO
"Another great job!"
Jon J. - Mar 15, 2024 - Pueblo, CO
"Good job. Thanks Dodie."
Laurel B. - Jun 18, 2024 - Pueblo, CO
"Little short but it looks great! Thank you!"
Erin J. - Jan 31, 2024 - Pueblo, CO
Lawn Mowing by Josh Foxx
Quality Lawn Treeatment & Lawn Treeatment Solutions
"Yard is very nice. Edwin was very nice to work with."
Agnita M. - Apr 24, 2024 - Pueblo, CO
"It was really good. Thank you."
Joe S. - Apr 22, 2024 - Pueblo, CO
Lawn Mowing Service
"I haven't been outside yet to look at it carefully but from the windows it looks terrific!! I'm thrilled to have David's team again this year! They served us so well last year. Kudos!!"
Valeta Y. - May 04, 2024 - Pueblo, CO
Lawn Care
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Service Recommendations in Pueblo

LawnStarter pros will let you know what your lawn needs. Here are some recent recommendations for lawn care services in Pueblo, CO.

Pro Recommendation for Flower Bed Weeding

Location Icon
Location: Pueblo, CO
Yard Size Icon
Yard Size: 13,199 square feet
Price Icon
Price: $126.58
Additional Details Icon
Location (from the street): Full yard Pull weeds from all flower beds and remove from property

Pro Recommendation for Flower Bed Weeding

Location Icon
Location: Pueblo, CO
Yard Size Icon
Yard Size: 16,988 square feet
Price Icon
Price: $63.29
Additional Details Icon
Location (from the street): Front yard I would get all the weeds out of the flower beds and dispose of them

Pro Recommendation for General Lawn Maintenance

Location Icon
Location: Pueblo, CO
Yard Size Icon
Yard Size: 5,979 square feet
Price Icon
Price: $63.29
Additional Details Icon
Location (from the street): Full yard Weed treatment and fertilizer for the entire property

Pro Recommendation for Flower Bed Weeding

Location Icon
Location: Pueblo, CO
Yard Size Icon
Yard Size: 11,830 square feet
Price Icon
Price: $37.97
Additional Details Icon
Location (from the street): Front yard Flower bed weeded and sprayed for weeds to prevent future growth

Pro Recommendation for Leaf Raking

Location Icon
Location: Pueblo, CO
Yard Size Icon
Yard Size: 15,423 square feet
Price Icon
Price: $253.16
Additional Details Icon
Location (from the street): Full yard Get all trash old paint cans old metal tree limbs cleaned up and removed from property clean up all of yard leaving the lawn exposed will be very neat

Pro Recommendation for Cleanup

Recommended by Jim T.
Location Icon
Location: Pueblo, CO
Yard Size Icon
Yard Size: 6,088 square feet
Price Icon
Price: $59.57
Additional Details Icon
Location (from the street): Left side Remove all of the saplings from around your yard and clean out beds

The Lawntrepreneur Scholarship

The Lawntrepreneur Scholarship is our way of giving back to the up and coming young entrepreneurs in the Pueblo, CO area.

Top Pueblo, CO Lawn Services of September 2024

Mr. Mow it all
6806 Biscayne Drive, Pueblo, CO 81001
(59 Ratings)
Jeffrey did an excellent job. My lawn looks great. I am very pleased with LawnStarter. The lawn service is top notch. If someone were to ask me if I knew of a good lawn service, I would recommend LawnStarter every time!
Tjs lawns
2114 Hooper Avenue, Pueblo, CO 81003
(1 Ratings)
Lawnstarts was founded in 2024 with the mission to deliver exceptional lawn care services. Our passion for transforming outdoor spaces into beautiful, healthy environments drives us to provide personalized and reliable care. We believe a well-maintained lawn enhances the beauty and value of a home. Our dedication to customer satisfaction and quality service makes Lawnstarts the trusted choice for all your lawn care needs.
Herndon llc
3333 North Elizabeth Street, Pueblo, CO 81008
(1 Ratings)
I strive for perfection and I always deliver promptly. I have never had a bad review ever and I've been a landscaper owner for about 10 years. I enjoy being outdoors. I promise you perfection and I will go over and beyond what is expected of me. I will never leave a customer unhappy.
Higher Grounds Landscaping
1021 East 11th Street, Pueblo, CO 81001
(80 Ratings)
I'm committed to high-quality landscaping services. I believe customers' outside home appearance is important to maintain the proper value of the home. Landscaping is an art and I work together with clients to create a magnificent masterpiece.
Get-R-Done Landscape&Handyman LLC
Pueblo, CO 81001
(20 Ratings)
We're Michael and Aiden, a father-son team passionate about creating beautiful outdoor spaces and getting handy around the house. We believe in hard work, clear communication, and making sure our customers are happy with the end result. Whether you need a landscaping refresh or a helping hand with those to-do lists around the house, we're here to bring your vision to life. Let us know how we can help!
T & M Landscaping
Pueblo, CO
(34 Ratings)
Being a family-owned and operated business since its inception in 1991, T & M Landscaping offers a full range of services which includes mowing, trimming, and edging your lawn. Others are irrigation design services, landscape construction or installation, snow removal, and more. They leave no detail unnoticed and go to great lengths to create a healthy-looking lawn and perfect landscape design for you. They cater to folks in Pueblo and its environment.
All About Landscaping
Pueblo, CO
(43 Ratings)
All About Landscaping is a local company that renders lawn maintenance services for residential and commercial properties in Pueblo and its surroundings. They mow, trim, treat, edge, and aerate their customer's lawns, making them lush and vibrant all year round. Additionally, they also offer landscaping, and irrigation services.
Mighty Miracle Men
Pueblo, CO
(18 Ratings)
Mighty Miracle Men is a professional company that provides comprehensive lawn maintenance services for homeowners and businesses in Pueblo. They are licensed and equipped to mow, seed, fertilize, trim, and edge their customers' lawns. Apart from lawn care, they also offer landscaping, masonry, and air duct cleaning services.
No Mow Worries Landscaping & Handyman Services
Pueblo, CO
(80 Ratings)
Keep your lawn looking great with professional lawn maintenance services from No Mow Worries Landscaping & Handyman Services. Serving homeowners in Pueblo and the surrounding areas, the technicians serve the customer six days a week. They offer various lawn care and landscaping services including mowing, edging, trimming, seeding, tree planting, and yard cleaning.
Abe's Landscape & Maintenance
Pueblo, CO
(106 Ratings)
Abe's Landscape & Maintenance can be your go-to solutions for all your lawn care needs. Serving Pueblo and the surrounding areas, the company offers a wide range of services for their clients, such as lawn mowing, aeration, and maintenance. They also offer other services, including snow removal, trash cleanup, and sod installation.

Neighborhoods we service in Pueblo, CO

Beulah Heights
East Side
El Camino - La Vistas
Everett Road
Hastings Avenue
Highland Park
Lake Minnequa
Misty Meadows
North Midtown
Park West
Sky View
South Avenuenida Del Oro E
South Gate
Sprague - Division
Norf Side
Palmer Lake
Minnequa Heights
Hillside - Hanley
Sprague - Division
Falcon Hahn’s Peak
27th Ln
Aspen Circle
Mesa Junction
Valley Ranches
The Blocks
North Midtown
Highway 78
South 27th, 28th, 29th Ln

Zip Codes