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Leesburg Lawn Care Facts & Resources
If you have any bare patches, it's a great time to seed them! Aeration and overseeding can be performed, although these are better done during fall.
Popular Grass Types in Leesburg
Tall Fescue | 31% |
Bermudagrass | 27% |
Buffalograss | 12% |
Perennial Ryegrass | 12% |
Zoysiagrass | 8% |
Kentucky Bluegrass | 8% |
Centipedegrass | 4% |
Long (6-7 inches) | 4% |
Medium (4-5 inches) | 34% |
Short (2-3 inches) | 62% |
Lawn Care Facts
Average Yard Size | 8,490 sq ft |
Average Mowing Price | $50.73 |
Average Customer Review | 4.8 / 5.0 |
Weekly Cuts | 33.0% |
Biweekly Cuts | 66.0% |
Monthly Cuts | 1.0% |
Lawns Fertilized | 8.0% |
Lawns with Leaf Removal | 7.0% |
Aerated Lawns | 5.0% |
Yards with Cleanups | 7.0% |
Days That Are Sunny | 61% |
An app for lawn care, seriously? You betcha! Stay upβtoβdate on your lawn wherever you go.

Easy, Affordable Lawn Care Services in Leesburg
With hot summers, cold winters, and rain throughout the year, maintaining your Leesburg lawn takes a lot of effort. When you have better things to do than spend your weekends pushing a mower or raking leaves, let us help. LawnStarter is your one-stop-shop for all things lawn-related.
Most Common Grass Types in Leesburg: Tall fescue, fine fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, and perennial ryegrass are four of the most common cool-season grasses that thrive here in Leesburg.
Spring Lawn Care Tips for Leesburg: Rake your lawn deeply to not only remove the top layer of debris but to also remove the undergrowth, called thatch, that keeps the soil from getting the sun, air, water, and nutrients it needs. Perform a test to determine the pH level of your soil and then fertilize according to your specific needs. Lay about 2 inches of mulch around your flowers and veggies to help retain soil, deter weeds, and regulate the soil temperature. Start watering your lawn according to your specific grass type's needs, but 1 to 1 Β½ inches of water is a general rule of thumb. Apply a pre-emergent herbicide once the temperature reaches at least 55ΒΊ for 2 days in a row, and finally, start up your mower. Be sure the blades are sharp and never cut more than β of your grassβs height at a time.
Common Lawn Diseases: Brown patch and dollar spot are the two most common lawn diseases you'll encounter in Leesburg. Watch out for discolored and/or bare areas on your grass and treat them right away to avoid further damage.
Common Lawn Pests: Grubs, chinch bugs, and sod webworms can quickly invade your yard and cause a lot of damage. If you're not sure what's eating your grass, give us a call. LawnStarter's pros will identify and eliminate your lawn pests.
How LawnStarter Can Take Care of Your Lawn: We'll handle the routine maintenance as well as fertilization, weed control, aeration, and landscaping. We even clean gutters, power wash, and build fences. No matter what you need to boost your curb appeal, we have a pro for you.
It's easy to get started. Just call, click, or download our app for a quick and customized quote.
Leesburg, VA Top 3 Lawn Care Pros

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Service Recommendations in Leesburg
LawnStarter pros will let you know what your lawn needs. Here are some recent recommendations for lawn care services in Leesburg, VA.
Top Leesburg, VA Lawn Services of March 2025