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Oxon Hill Lawn Care Facts & Resources
Should I water my lawn today?
The expected precipitation in Oxon Hill MD over the next few days is 0.24 inches. You will most likely have to water your lawn. The best time to water is at dusk or dawn.
If you have any bare patches, it's a great time to seed them! Aeration and overseeding can be performed, although these are better done during fall.
Popular Grass Types in Oxon Hill
Bermudagrass | 28% |
Tall Fescue | 16% |
Zoysiagrass | 13% |
Buffalograss | 13% |
Kentucky Bluegrass | 11% |
Centipedegrass | 11% |
Perennial Ryegrass | 8% |
Long (6-7 inches) | 3% |
Medium (4-5 inches) | 16% |
Short (2-3 inches) | 82% |
Lawn Care Facts
Average Yard Size | 9,837 sq ft |
Average Mowing Price | $67.03 |
Lawns Fertilized | 10% |
Lawns with Leaf Removal | 10% |
Aerated Lawns | 8% |
Yards with Cleanups | 9% |
Days That Are Sunny | 8% |
An app for lawn care, seriously? You betcha! Stay up‑to‑date on your lawn wherever you go.

Care-free lawn care in Oxon Hill, MD
The Oxon Hill Manor is a must-see for visitors. Built in 1928, this historic brick mansion is open for daily tours of the inside and formal English gardens, and reflecting pool, expansive lawns. The Oxon Cove Park & Oxon Hill Farm is a great place to take the kids. They’ll see what it was like to live on a farm in the 1800s with animals, daily chore demonstrations, a hay barn, and feed room. The farmers will also demonstrate some modern day equipment.
In the mood for a hike? The 3 ½ mile Woodrow Wilson Bridge trail begins at Oxon Hill Road. You can bike, skate, jog or walk over the Potomac River to a network of more trails in Northern Virginia. The Potomac Vista Recreation Center offers you a chance to work out while staying closer to home. The Potomac River Waterfront Park is popular with tourists as well as the locals. The Park features an outstanding view of the shores of the Potomac with trails winding over Interstate 95, eventually connecting to the Woodrow Wilson Bridge.
Looking for a date-night restaurant? Check out the Voltaggio Brothers Steakhouse inside the MGM National Harbor Resort and Casino. We recommend you make reservations since the place can get crowded quickly. If you prefer a less expensive, kid-friendly restaurant, stop by Ledo Pizza or Pizza Italia. Both offer excellent Italian dishes.
No matter how you choose to spend your days in Oxon Hill, make the most of your time by getting someone else to take care of those tedious lawn chores. We understand how much pride you take in your well-manicured lawn. However, it takes quite a bit of time to maintain a lovely landscape, and that’s the time you could be spending elsewhere.
We take the "work" out of yard work. We can also take care of other landscaping tasks, such as tree trimming, and flower care. All you have to do to get started s install the handy LawnStarter mobile app and enter your zip code. We’ll send you a list of services in your area that fit your budget and schedule. From there, you can schedule, confirm, cancel, or modify services - all from your smartphone.
LawnStarter is the premier name for all things lawn care in Oxon Hill and throughout Maryland. Contact us today to schedule services.
Oxon Hill, MD Top 3 Lawn Care Pros

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Service Recommendations in Oxon Hill
LawnStarter pros will let you know what your lawn needs. Here are some recent recommendations for lawn care services in Oxon Hill, MD.
Top Oxon Hill, MD Lawn Services of March 2025